Ultimate Solution Of Reset Youtube Recommendations In 2024

I know you are bored of watching YouTube’s irrelevant suggestions. Most of the time it’s because of you and sometimes it’s because of YouTube’s algorithm. You can solve each of the 2 reasons. You can fix what is due to yourself through some settings and what is due to YouTube’s algorithm can be smartly explained to Youtube and you can fix your recommendation. Today I will talk about how you can reset youtube recommendations from your youtube account and how you can use youtube smartly.

Do you know why you are affected by irrelevant videos?

There could be a few reasons, like

  • Maybe your family members or your friends have watched YouTube videos on other topics from your account.
  • You are watching videos made on other topics
  • It can be YouTube’s algorithm error
  • Maybe you are browsing YouTube with a new account
  • Maybe you are browsing YouTube without connecting to a Google account

Probably due to any of the above reasons you are exposed to irrelevant videos which are a waste of your precious time. 

YouTube is designed in such a way that YouTube remembers what you search for and the type of videos you watch from your account and then youtube starts giving you recommended videos accordingly. You should not let anyone use youtube that is associated with your personal usable google account. If somehow your personal account is used by someone else then you need to reset all YouTube data. Then you can use YouTube free of irrelevant video recommendations. Now first of all Let’s see how to reset unwanted youtube recommendations from mobile. If you are trying to reset your youtube recommendations from your PC then please go to the last section.

Ways To Reset Youtube Recommendations From Mobile

By Stop Getting Recommendations

Let’s say you’re super bored watching irrelevant recommended videos, so if you want to turn off this option, first go to your YouTube app

  • Go to Youtube
  • Click o the picture of your account on the right side
  • Then click on “Settings
  • you’ll see a few settings, click on “Notifications

Now see you can see an option called “Recommended videos“. Turn off the setting if you don’t want any kind of recommendations. Also when you will change your mind just turn on the button, and it will show you again recommendations.

Youtube profile
youtube settings
youtube notifications
how to turn of youtube recommended video
By Clearing Watch And Search History

If you want to get your relevant recommended videos right then the settings I have told you above cannot be applied. In that case, you must first clear all search history and watch history. to clear them

  • Go to “Settings
  • Click on “History & Privacy
  • Then click on “Clear watch history
  • Then confirm your action by clicking on “Clear Watch History

Same things you need to do again to clear search history. You can get help from pictures below.

youtube history and privacy settings
clear watch history for youtube
Clear search history for youtube
Clear search history for youtube
By Pausing Watch And Search History

If you watch various videos on YouTube on a temporary topic or your relative wants your phone or PC to watch YouTube, then you must turn on the Pause watch history and Pause search history option so that you don’t get those related video recommendations later. To enable the setting

  • Go to “Youtube
  • And click on your profile image 
  • Then click on “Settings
  • Find “History & Privacy
  • Then you will see 2 options called “Pause watch history” and “Pause search history
  • Enable those 2 settings to prevent irrelevant recommendations later. 

After enabling those settings youtube will not save your data until you disable those settings.

youtube history and privacy settings
pause youtube watch history
By Removing Specific Search History

I am already saying that youtube shows any recommended video through your search and watch history. If you find that you are receiving unnecessary video recommendations due to one of your unnecessary searches, you can delete that specific search from your search menu. To remove specific searches history from youtube

  • Go to “Youtube App
  • and click on the search bar at the top
  • You will see your recent searches, Just Click and hold on the text until you see a popup
  • Then click on “Remove
remove youtube search
Remove Specific Videos From Watch History

If you have followed the steps above then you have successfully reset your YouTube recommendations correctly. Now let’s talk about some tips on how you can improve YouTube recommendations. You have to teach YouTube what you like, what kind of topics you want to watch videos on, what kind of videos you don’t like etc. The words are so surprising, right? Wondering how to teach YouTube!

Yes, indeed you can teach YouTube what kind of videos you want and don’t want to watch. Do those practice teaching youtube 

  • Remove specific videos from your watch list
  • By clicking on “Not Interest
  • By clicking on “Don’t recommend channel

To remove the specific video from your watch list,

  • Click on “Library” on the left of the bottom
  • Then Click on the “Three dot icon
  • And then click on “Remove from watch history
youtube library
remove from watch history
Stop Getting Recommendations From Specific Channel

This practice is best for teaching youtube. When you marked a channel or video that you are not interested in, Youtube learns things and the expert algorithm of youtube will never provide you any kind of video from this channel. To do that 

  • Just click on the “Three dot icon” to the video that you don’t want to appear in your front.
  • And click on “Not interested“. By clicking here you will only avoid those types of videos.
  • And clicking on “Don’t recommend channel“. By clicking here you will totally ignore all of the videos from this channel.
Not interested youtube
Don't recommended channel setting
How To Delete History Automatically

If you want your history to be deleted automatically, you can enable this option. But you cannot select the time you wish. By default, YouTube has 3 options. You can choose only 3 months, 18 months, and 36 months. To enable automatic delete history,

  • Go to “Youtube
  • Click on “Your data in youtube
  • Then click on “Manage your youtube watch history
  • Click On “Auto-delete
  • Then select what you wish.

If you want that youtube will never delete your data then select “Don’t auto-delete activity“. Then click on “Save“.

your data in youtube
google my account for youtube
auto delete settings for youtube
auto delete settings for youtube

Reset Recommendations From A PC

By Stop Getting Recommendations

As I discussed in the top section when you need to disable this setting. So I will not repeat this again. To disable youtube recommendations video

  • Click on your profile section
  • Then click on “Settings
  • On the left side, you will see the “Notifications” area, Click here
  • As you can see in the picture, just disable the button for “Recommended videos
Youtube settings on PC
Recommended video setting on youtube

By Clearing Watch And Search History

I already discussed the importance of clearing watch and search history at the top. So now we will see how to clear youtube watch history from a PC.

  • Click on the profile picture
  • The click on “Your data on Youtube
  • Then you will redirect to a new page, Scroll down
  • Find “Youtube watch history“. Click on there

You can pause to save your search and watch data. To do that click on “Turn off

  • Now click on the arrow key
  • then you’ll see a “Delete” button

After clicking on the delete button you can select the timeframe. You should select “Delete all time” to delete recommendations.

your data in youtube from pc
youtube watch history setting
pause watch history setting for pc
history delete settings for youtube

By Pausing Watch And Search History

If you want to out from youtube recommendations then you should prevent saving your search and watch history. To pause watch and search history

  • Click on the profile picture
  • The click on “Your data on Youtube
  • Find “Youtube watch history“. Click on there
  • Go to the “Controls” section
  • Uncheck the 2 boxes that is mentioned in the picture.
Privacy control setting for youtube

Remove Specific Videos From Watch History

When you are filtering your videos that should appear in your front then you should teach to your youtube. Do it by remove specific videos from history. To do that

  • Go to “Youtube
  • And the go-to “Library
  • Click on the “Three-dot icon” of the specific video that you want to remove from history
  • Confirm your action by clicking on “Remove from watch history
remove from watch history setting from pc

Stop Getting Recommendations From Specific Channel

If you are getting recommendations from only a few channels, then you can stop getting recommendations from those youtube channels. To stop getting recommendations from specific channels,

  • Click on the “Three-dot icon” on the video that appears in front of you
  • And then click on “Don’t recommend channel

Well, you have successfully ignored this channel from being your recommendations. 

Not interest setting for youtube

How To Delete History Automatically

Deleting youtube watch and search history is not mandatory for you. You can do this as your optional choice. To enable auto-delete history on youtube,

  • Click on the profile picture
  • The click on “Your data on Youtube
  • Find “Youtube watch history“. Click on there
  • Then click on the arrow key
  • Now jump to the “Controls” section on the left 
  • Click on “Delete activity

If you don’t want to enable auto delete then click on “Don’t auto-delete activity“. By using this setting you will get relevant youtube recommendations for a long time. 

auto history delete setting for youtube
auto delete setting for youtube

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I use VPN to change my recommendation?

  • Yes. But you shouldn’t do that. If you use a VPN you will get more irrelevant youtube recommendations.

There is have any extensions to control recommendations? 

  • Yes. But no need to use a complicated extension. Just follow these easy steps and do it easily.

What is the best practice?

  • The best practice is, that you shouldn’t give your mobile/PC to others with logged-in google accounts. 

Hope you have enjoyed this article and solved your irrelevant recommendation problem. If you successfully reset it then give us your love by sharing this. if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment.

Hossain Rifat
Hossain Rifat


Articles: 20

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